Saturday, October 24, 2009

A saturday at adopt-a-block

Saturdays are our adopt-a-block days. We have "adopted" the block around our church, where we knock on doors, and ask if they need any help around their house. We tote a large garbage container, shovels, rakes and garbage bags around and clean up the block. Every day is different. At first the neighbors didnt know what we were up to and were nervous to open their doors and talk with us. But now they know who we are and are expecting us and smile and talk with us, and allow us to help them. Today, we went up to a neighbors yard and her dogs were barking at us and she told them to be quiet "you know who they are", she told her dogs. Then she timidly asked us if their was anyplace we knew of that she could get food. She hurt herself at work and couldnt work for a few weeks. We told her that we had some food in our church pantry and we would be back with food after we finished cleaning up the block. I could tell it was very embarrassing for her to ask. As we were finishing the block, a lady loaded down with groceries was having trouble carrying them to her home which was pretty far from where we were. I told her to walk with me to the church so i could pick up my car and keys and i would drive her home. She was very happy, and we gave her the church card and dropped her off and said a prayer for her on the way home. We went back to the church and picked up what food we had left in the pantry and went to the neighbors house to give her the food. Me and melissa stayed in the car while scott and the boys gave her the food. Scott said she cried when they gave her the food. Thank you Jesus! Then melissa and i needed to pick up some things for the church's trunk or treat party. We needed to get on the highway but it was backed up, so we took a back road, as did everyone else who knew about this back road so it was backed up too. as we were in traffic going slowly down this very steep hill, we saw an older man and woman struggling with packages trying to walk up the hill. We could tell the woman was having a very hard time, because she stopped and steadied herself by hanging on to a fence on the side of the road. At the same time, me and melissa said "we should give them a ride" So, without hesitating, melissa jumped out of the car and called out to the man and woman who were now behind us walking in the opposite direction. They gratefully accepted our invitation for a ride, and jumped in the van. (Thank the Lord for a van!) And i turned the van around and drove them up the steep hill. We mentioned that we were from Bridgeway church. The husband asked if we had a website (we just put up our website a week ago!) He said his wife needed prayer because she had a mental disorder and was on medication, but they no longer have medical and cannot get the medication. We told him we would add her to our prayer wall and gave them a
church business card. As they hopped out of the van, he said they would call us. We drove away with a smile on our faces and a wonderful feeling in our hearts knowing that another "God Connection" was made!

Lots and Lots of people tell us that they will come to church, not too many of those do actually show up. All I know is that we are to help them, and trust that the Holy Spirit will work on their hearts...Great day today! God is good and faithful, and when we choose to feed the poor and help the needy then we are blessed with joy and peace!

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